February 22, 2013

Mascara Ads- FAKE!

I think since girls in Asia are obsess with wearing fake lashes on the daily basis, we Asian know what kind of effect it gives regardless your ethics. SO…I don’t know since when, I started to notice all the mascara ads in the magazine or TV are FAKE! When I say FAKE it means the ads are deceiving to a point that the campaign must think women are all blind or something. Obviously, all the models in the ads are wearing fake lashes and the ads are claiming that’s what the mascaras would do. Mascara enhances the look but it will not make your lashes look like fake plastic lashes. Real natural lashes aren’t the same length and they aren’t the same thickness. I was so annoyed that I CAN tell which kind of fake lashes the models are wearing. Sooo unclever!

Does anyone realized the same thing and feel the same way I did?! You are welcome to chime in!


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